Preamble: pro familia has the vision of a democratic society based on solidarity, responsibility and equality. As an association, we stand for the right to learn about your own sexuality and reproduction, to self-determined sexual orientation and identity, the right to physical and mental integrity and thus for the right to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Therefore we have formulated 10 binding guidelines, which are essentially derived from the IPPF Charter and the IPPF Declaration:
- Together we exercise our right to political participation, co-determination and freedom of expression. We commit ourselves to raise awareness regarding sexual and reproductive rights, to effectively promote their aims and to further develop their contents. The association supports members and employees in their commitment and professional work.
- We take similarities and differences amongst women and men into consideration when it comes to sexuality and reproduction, since we work on the basis of the fact that all people have equal rights. We also include personal gender identities in our work.
- Everyone has the right to information on sexuality, relationships and family planning. With demand-oriented information, we introduce different possible courses of action to people who come to us and encourage their freedom of choice.
- Everyone has the right to education when it comes to sexuality and reproduction. Our offers are open and accessible for people of every age, gender, sexual orientation and origin. We ensure that access is guaranteed to all people.
- Everyone has the right to benefit from or reject scientific developments and alternative findings that serve to protect sexual and reproductive health. We provide guidance and support the current developments in the pro familia’s line of work closely and critically. We integrate new and recognised scientific results into our work.
- Everyone has the right to sexual and reproductive health. We engage in education, counselling, prevention and medical services at our counselling centres and medical centres for this right. We thus make a contribution to healthcare promotion, provision and care.
- Everyone has the right to individual family planning. Men, women and couples have a free choice of deciding whether, at what time and how many children they want, irrespective of their lifestyles and sexual life. We are committed to framework conditions that respect and promote families in their diversity.
- Each person has the right to seek advice in a protected and confidential environment. We adhere to secrecy, ensure the protection of personal data and comply with the desire for anonymity, provided that no security measures are necessary.
- Everyone has the right to freedom and physical and mental integrity. We work on national and international scale to ensure that people can live their sexuality in a self-determined way.
- Everyone has the right to protection against sexualised violence, abuse and torture. We condemn all forms of sexual and gender-specific violence. We support victims in asserting their rights to appropriate and free help through consultation, support and care. We advocate adequate preventive and psychosocial services for perpetrators. This helps serve the protection of victims.
Adopted by the Federal Delegates Assembly on May 15, 2011 in Hamburg-Bergedorf.

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