According to the definition of the WHO (World Health Organisation), a couple is considered sterile, if the woman does not become pregnant within one year with regular, unprotected intercourse.
In individual cases, however, this does not say much about the actual chances of giving birth to a child. Every third woman who wishes to have a child waits more than a year for a pregnancy. Even in case of a healthy couple, the chance of becoming pregnant during regular intercourse within one cycle is only 10 to 30 percent depending on age, as fertilisation does not take place during every intercourse. Less than 5% of all couples in Germany remain childless permanently and unintentionally.
Fertility is not a static thing. Even young people can experience fertile and infertile phases due to mental and physical overload or an unhealthy lifestyle. Whether and when a couple should undergo naturopathic or reproductive medical treatment is up to each woman and man to decide for themselves. Medical and psychosocial counselling can be helpful in the decision-making process.
(Kopie 2)
Personal counselling
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre.
Doctors, social workers, psychologists and pedagogues shall be at your disposal as contact persons.

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