The birth of a child
The birth of the (first) child brings along many changes and new demands. Woman and man now become mother and father. The companionship is confronted with completely new demands, the sexual interaction of the couple can change in the new life situation.
The everyday life has to be re-structured, and a number of formalities have to be fulfilled or legal issues have to be dealt with, especially in the beginning.
Depending on the financial situation, mothers and fathers can make use of financial and social assistance.
The alternation of these feelings, which young mothers and fathers experience initially, is of indescribable uniqueness. Couples, mothers and fathers need time to organise their everyday family life such that it meets their personal and family requirements. Many mothers and fathers initially try to match up to an ideal image of perfect parenthood, which they have designed for themselves during pregnancy. Very quickly they realise that one cannot match up to all ideals, they reach the end of their own limits and go on the search of own solution which suits them the best.
We are all experts in parenthood. Sometimes we don't react as we would have liked going by our ideologies. Although after some time, you get more and more confident and gain experience in dealing with the baby's needs.
Personal counselling
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre.
Doctors, social workers, psychologists and pedagogues shall be at your disposal as contact persons.

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